Jessica Worthington

Senior Specialist, AZ PRIME

Jessica joins NIET as Senior Specialist and will primarily be supporting the AZ prime grant schools. With 19 years of experience as an educator and leader in the Avondale Elementary School District, she is a true TAP System multiple career paths educator who after teaching for five years served as a master teacher through the AZ Ready for Rigor grant. Jessica then served as an assistant principal for six years, and as principal for five years. In the role of principal, Jessica provided excellence in leadership in two highly rated Avondale Schools. Jessica brings a strong understanding of how NIET’s services develop teacher leaders and school leaders in multiple schools.

Jessica obtained her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota followed by a Master of Education in educational leadership from Northern Arizona University.

 Jessica  Worthington

Who is your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Jeannequin. She taught 2nd grade and I remember being so excited about the hands-on learning experiences that she had us participate in. Mrs. Jeannequin was firm, but fair and recognized that we all learned in different ways. She is one of the main reasons why I taught second grade when I became a teacher.

What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy traveling to new places, reading, and baking.